Thursday, July 12, 2012

7 Tips To A Great Relationship

1. Know your values!

Like the cliche saying... "If you don't stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." Take some time and sit down and write out what you stand for. Write out what is most important to you. If you get a little lost, think of things you highly value combined with things that make you happy. For instance, God is really important to me. I know deep down that I must remain faithful to him first to experience any happiness. Other ideas are family, money, your business, health, religion, traveling, music, volunteering, dancing, flying, or other things. The most common mistake that people make is forgetting the individuality aspect of a relationship. If you lose focus of your inner happiness/values while in a relationship... it's hard to be happy.

2. Please have goals!

There's nothing more attractive than a woman or man who has goals. Know what you want to achieve in life and be passionate about obtaining it! Like Rev Run once said...

"Passion is the number one quality for greatness. Passion is the energy to seek. Passion is the motivation to pursue. One of the things that I'm most thankful for in my life is my desire for winning. So many people lack passion. Never, I repeat never lose your passion for life."

3. Communicate Fool!

Communication is key in any relationship especially a romantic one. You have to be able to talk about the things that are working and things that aren't working. I'm personally still working on this myself because I value harmony over conflict. So I'll let tension build and build so I don't have to approach the problem. I've learned that as soon as something bothers you, let your partner know right then and there. If you don't, feelings will escalate and sooner or later you'll explode. I suggest sitting down with your partner and agreeing to keep the communication open. BUT!!!!!!! Don't be a fool and tell your partner everything that bothers you because then you'll seem like a nagger. Remember relationships are supposed to be uplifting and positive... which brings me to number four.

4. Appreciate him/her!

Men love to be praised by women. It shows that you're aware of what he does and that he's good at it. Likewise, the same things apply to women as well. So take the time to see the good in your partner and commend them for that. It may be something as little as the way they make you smile. So find the good. I promise you that when you do this, you'll definitely see a difference in your significant other. Plus you're inviting positivity and appreciation for one another in the relationship, which will help you love each other even more. In addition, praising him/her will make them do that thing you like even more.

5. Time... yikes!

I don't have much to say on this but spend quality time together. Get to know each other's families, past, future ambitions, and everything else. However, don't spend too much time together! There's no fun in seeing your partner every five seconds. Trust me. You don't want to feel suffocated by the other person.

6. <3 Yourself with the Intensity of 1000 Suns!

Love yourself first and love from others will follow. I may not know you but you're beautiful. There's something unique about you that no other person possesses. Cherish that part of you and let yourself grow. Never compare yourself to others because if you do you'll always come up short. Everyone's different... so the act of comparing is foolish. It's a hard task though. Loving yourself isn't easy. But who else is going to do it!

7. F.U.N.

F... is for friends who do stuff together
U... is for you and me
N... is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea

I love this song from SpongeBob, it makes me happy every time. But anyways, try to have as much fun as you can in your relationship. I know... I know everyday isn't going to be all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns with crack falling from the sky but just try. I'm not perfect at this yet, but everyday should include at least one laugh. Remember life is supposed to be fun and be enjoyed otherwise why be here. That's why I take it upon myself to smile and laugh everyday even if it's at myself.

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