Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Get Back Together With An Ex by Properly Assessing the Blame

Anyone who is looking for advice on how to get back together with an ex will certainly be able to get a lot of it. The question is, will it be sound advice? The Internet is full of people who believe they are experts on everything. Also there are people who have broken off a relationship with their exes and have gone on to enter into another relationship. Once these people find out you have broken off with your partner they will seek you out and give you advice on how they have found their way.

Also, there are those who go from relationship to relationship and never seem happy. Then, there are people who seem to be happy with the first relationship they ever entered into even though they are going through life miserable. The problem is each one of these people believes they are an expert in the field of romance.

So the point of all this is; if you are searching to get free advice on how to rekindle a relationship, you will certainly get it. However, you can be absolutely certain that in most instances you should not pay any attention to it. People are all different and every relationship deals with two people (at least), so there are at least twice as many variables involved in relationships as there are in each individual.

However, there is one thing many psychologists agree upon. Namely, once you have broken up with someone, it is very wise to do some reflection upon yourself. There are times a relationship goes bad and the blame lies 100% on one partner. These times are rare. What this means is, usually your breakup was, at least, partially and possibly mostly your fault.

Of course, knowing this doesn't mean you can automatically run back to your ex yelling and screaming "it's my fault and I found my way!" This would certainly be counterproductive. It does, however, mean that you have an opportunity to grow. You must realize that some shortcoming you have not only raised havoc in your last relationship but it probably will with any relationship you might have down the road.

If you really and truly come to this realization and very much believe you can change your way, and you can very sincerely make this case to the one you have broken up with, there is a possibility you can get your ex back. Still, it will take some understanding on your ex's part and it doesn't automatically mean things will be rosy forever.

Still, if you are able to successfully self reflect. It means you will be able to at least, draw up a game plan for approaching your ex and winning back his or her love. However, you must remember, you have to do this without rushing anything and the effort you make to change things must be more than just an effort, it must involve total belief and sincerity.

In conclusion, when looking to get together with someone after a breakup, it is entirely counterproductive to approach things from the point of view you have been done wrong by your ex partner. In the 50s, millions of people read a comic strip each week in their newspapers written by a man named Walt Kelly. He captured the imagination of all his readers when, in one of the episodes, his main character whose name was "Pogo" made the famous statement "we have met the enemy and he is us." If you are looking for advice about how to get back together with an ex, mine would be to remember this famous statement made by Pogo because you have no one to blame other than yourself.

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