Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Get Back With A Ex - It's Not Too Late

Flourishing, solid relationships are a keystone in living a fulfilled life in the eyes of many. It can be difficult to imagine life otherwise once you've had one. You meet someone and either sweep or get swept off of two feet and trust your instincts that your making a good decision. You just let it unfold and happen on its own. It being Love. So you find that special someone and for an extended period of time you can't see life without them. Then, it happens. The relationship ends. Oh No!!

You are now officially an ex. You have lost most, if not all, communication with your former significant other and are most likely spending a lot of time alone thinking about them. Your thoughts, routine, conversations, focus, and emotions have all changed due to the new circumstance. Regardless of whose idea it was to break up, everybody typically hurts. One of the two usually wants to get back with the ex.

The worst thing a person can do in this situation is take advice on how to recover the loss from a friend who is not a licensed relationship counselor. Please, don't think that just because you and a person are friends and they have been around to hear all the so-called 'issues' you and your ex were having that they can coach or advise you going forward. More than likely, your friend with the best relationship out of all the rest still has his or her fair share of issues within their own relationship that they probably don't have the answer to. Reach within yourself for the solution, or seek information from a professional. Especially if you want to know how to get back with a ex.

Relationships are a team effort, no one person can be to blame. Many times in relationships, no matter if it's a romantic or family or association or co-worker etc, we tend to disregard our own role in fostering and maintaining it. Each person should be held equally accountable for the preservation of the relationship. But, do to the dynamic of most relationships, there is one person more assertive than the other who would need to make the effort to revive it. Sometimes, even in a team, someone has to step up for the better good of the entire team. Same goes for relationship teams.

You've thought long and hard and decided that you're not giving up the best relationship up to this point without a fight!! You reminisce about all the good times you all had and even weigh in the less flattering moments!! You have weighed the pros and cons of attempting to win back the heart of your ex. It could be humiliating taking a chance on getting back with your ex without the proper guidance. I mean, you could realistically only have that one more opportunity to revive the relationship. So, how will you get back with your ex?

Don't let the keystone to living your most fulfilled life slip between your fingers. Don't take unprofessional advice on what to do. Go directly to a professional for guidance with your last potential chance to rekindle your love affair with the ex.

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