Thursday, July 12, 2012

Single Mom Relationship Advice - Want to Get Your Ex Back?

If you've landed on this article, then most likely you are experiencing a breakup. When most women experience a sudden breakup, their first objective is to start working on a plan to get their ex back. This instinct, while normal, is often not the best course of action. This course of action can also ruin any chances there may be for reconciliation. If you are serious about saving your relationship, it is important to remain calm.

The next step is to ask yourself if you really want to get back together with your ex. We often want what we feel we cannot have. If your relationship was taken from you, so to speak, the initial response is to try to get it back.

This human reaction doesn't take into account whether or not the relationship was good for you. Nor does it factor in the possibility that there may be even better guys out there for you. Whatever the case may be now is not the time to panic. If you take a little time to evaluate whether or not you really want to get your ex back, you may decide that it is worth the effort to take the next step.

After you have managed to remain calm, take a quick look at your actions. Are you smothering your ex with voicemail and text messages? Are you flooding his inbox with professions of undying love? Are you laying on the guilt trips? If any of this sounds familiar, please proceed to giving yourself a well-deserved time-out! Step away from the keyboard, put your cell phone under the couch and take long bubble bath to relax. If you are a mom, you know how this works.

As difficult as it may be, break off all contact with your ex for a while. During this time away, you will have the time and focus to work on your own personal development. This can be very challenging even for the most disciplined of women but stay focused!

The key to get your ex back is to understand the basics of human nature. Since you will no longer be stalking your ex, he will in most cases, start to feel differently about you. The lack of contact will begin to make him wonder about you and what you might be doing. He may even begin to wonder who you might be spending time with.

For this strategy to work, just remain calm and nonchalant if you must see him in some capacity. Allow him the time and space to make the first step toward reconciliation. Once he starts asking himself how to get his ex back, you will be the one to come out ahead of the game.

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