Monday, June 11, 2012

Heartbroken and Miserable, It Is Possible To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

You just went through a breakup, and now, after the smoke has cleared you are wondering, "can I get my ex boyfriend back?" Even though every relationship is different, as is every breakup, there are positive things you can do to help get him back. The key word there is positive.

If he broke up with you, you need to look at the reason. During your relationship did you nag or complain to get your way? Were you unpleasant more times than not? Did you create arguments where there really were none? You can't do that now. Be nice. Without being fake about it, you need to be as pleasant as possible when you are around him. Don't do anything that can drive him further away. If you can be pleasant, you can lessen the degree of importance for whatever caused the breakup.

You may be wondering if you can get him back if he already has another girlfriend. Although he is now thinking of his new relationship, being nice is crucial so he can see how wonderful you are. He is more able to remember the good times you once shared and decide there is still something there.

There are "kiss of death" mistakes you absolutely need to avoid. Saying bad things about him to your friends or his can get back to him. Calling him frequently, sending text messages or stopping by can irritate the situation, making him uncomfortable or angry and could cost you any chance of getting your ex back. However, if you want to call him just to see how he is doing, there is no problem with that as long as you are just being thoughtful. Let him know you are doing fine as well. Keep your call brief, short and nice. You want to end the conversation with him thinking you really cared about him, leaving a pleasant thought and you in his head.

If you are considering an attempt at making him jealous, don't. This can backfire on you in a big way. Men do not react emotionally the same as women do. If he thinks you have moved on, there is a more than likely chance he will do the same. It's also not fair to the person you are using to make him jealous.

Make sure the feedback he is getting from friends is that you are doing fine. They have seen you out here, or there, and you were very sweet when you asked about him and hoped he was doing well also. Hearing positive things about you puts you back in his mind, wondering what you are doing, and may prompt that first phone call from him. If this happens, you want to take it slow. Confirm what he has heard, that you are busy, and doing just fine. In the event he would like to meet, go ahead and turn down the first date he offers, and offer a different date and time. Keep it pleasant and do not bring up the breakup. There is plenty of time later to fix what was broken in the past. Keep things moving forward fresh and new and you may actually be able to get your ex boyfriend back for good.

Keep in mind, these are just some beginning steps to get your ex boyfriend back. You can find simple, practical methods in the step by step plan created by T Dub Jackson called "The Magic of Making Up". It worked for me and we have never been happier.

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