Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It Is Possible To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back, But It May Take A While

Relationship breakups are caused by any number of reasons. From something as simple as having nothing in common, to being with the love of your life and one or the other of you cheated. For whatever reason, someone gets hurt. Trying to move on is miserable because you can't get her out of your head. A song plays on the radio or a movie shows on TV and it all reminds you of her.

Depending on how you treated her during your relationship will have a lot to do with whether or not you can be successful at getting your ex girlfriend back. Your first plan might be to text or call to apologize daily, if you are the one who was at fault. I can enlighten you a little bit here. When men do something wrong enough to cause a break up, you need to give her time to cool off. Women are not like men in this regard. Women tend to stay mad for a while and your immediate attempt to fix it, can backfire and only make her more angry.

If you used to buy your way out of trouble with flowers, leave that option out as well. You may have already worn that out. It would be best to give her about a week before you contact her, giving her a fair amount of time to calm down and think about things. Once she calms down, she is more able to think about how she feels about you and your relationship. It is also likely that she will start missing you. Even if you have done something terrible, she is far more likely to be thinking of the good times and the good feelings.

After that cooling off period, give her a call just to see how she is doing. You don't want to spend a lot of time in that conversation, keep it short. Let her know you were thinking of her and get off the phone. This can be a powerful first step as it leaves her not only thinking of you, but wondering how and what you are doing. Your next step would be to wait a few days or maybe a week and send her a hand written card apologizing for what happened to your relationship (if you were in the wrong) and letting her know you still care. Now you will want to wait before contacting her again to see if you get any response from her. If what you have done is sincere enough and gives her time to miss you, she may take the next step and call you.

Women can be tough nuts to crack, especially if they have been hurt and their guard is up. You also need to be aware that they have told their girlfriends what you did, and they are all on her side. That will not however, stop her from taking you back if she still has feelings for you, so don't give up.

These are just a few ideas to begin the process. Depending on the reason of the breakup, and who did the breaking up, you need to know what you should do and what you should absolutely not do to get your ex girlfriend back. You will need to be careful not to make mistakes that could drive her further away. Your best decision would be a step by step plan that can teach you practical ideas and the correct timing of them, that way you are able to avoid those mistakes. Purchasing a relationship help book may seem silly, but the only thing you have to lose is your chances of getting your ex girlfriend back.

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