Monday, June 18, 2012

Secrets to a Lasting Relationship and Win Back Love

"I need my space" is the killer statement that says It is over. But is it really? What they may be really saying is that they have one foot out the door, that they really don't want to leave you but right now they feel compelled to be more distant. They are telling you that you are not meeting their needs and the desperately want you to. You're not trying hard enough!

But if you try harder in all the wrong ways, then you will cement the breakup and make it permanent. They will be gone forever and you will not be able to win back the love of your life. Here are 5 simple steps that will help you along the path to winning their love back, but remember, this is a path and must be a process. It won't happen overnight.

1. Look Inside First. Before you do anything else, stand tall and take a long hard look at yourself. Have you been doing all that you can to meet their needs? Or have you been resentful and angry that they are not meeting yours. Not that you are a selfish person, but we all come from a place of selfish perspective. Stop for a moment and look from their perspective.

2. Find Your Inner Strength. If you attempt to win back love by showing how lost you are without them and how much you need them, then you are just needy. And who wants to be with a needy partner? Find the joy and passion that you had within you when you first met your partner. Become the best you that you can be - connect with yourself before you try to connect with them again.

3. Do Not Smother. They asked for space and you need to give it to them. Don't overwhelm them with voice mails and texts. Let them remember all the things that they fell in love with in the beginning. They are feeling the pain too, but if you don't give them the space the need, they will soon feel relief by being distant from you.

4. Live your life. Go out, meet friends out dancing, start exercising, If you are going to sit by the phone waiting for them to call, two bad things are happening - that phone is not going to ring before your imagination drives you crazy and you are missing out on your life.

5. Listen and Learn. When the time comes, and it will, sit down with your ex and learn what they felt was missing in the relationship. Don't be defensive. Listen to what their issues are and commit to improving them.

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