Friday, June 15, 2012

Want To Get Your Ex Back, Learn How You Need To Avoid Common Mistakes

It is not uncommon for relationships or marriages to breakup over a fight, or an affair. They can also end due to the stress of financial reasons, job loss, or differences of opinions. It is also common for men or women, to want their ex back after the dust settles and people have had time to think about it. If you are in that situation, it's important not to make the mistakes that can cause more damage.

One of the big mistakes people make is continuing to call or text their ex. Sometimes it is with the intention of keeping the argument going until someone cries "uncle" and admits wrong doing, accepts blame, or starts to apologize. The reason this is a mistake is it can cause further harm to the relationship by adding resentment to the list. So, take a step back for a few days. Give each other time to calm down, think rationally, and start thinking things through.

In most cases, people will spend their time thinking back over the relationship and remembering why you got together to begin with. Playing it forward also gives them the chance to remember the good times, and the special times. After just a little while, you would be fine to send a hand written note with an apology. Make sure it is sincere, and thoughtful. You then may want to wait about a week for a response to the note. If you have not received one, you may want to call just to see how they are doing. It's being thoughtful. Don't stay on the phone too long, ending it on a high note. This will leave a positive impression on your ex and provide an opening for them to think about you positively.

Timing is everything when taking the correct steps to get your ex back. It is not impossible. In fact, it happens every day! But, it is important to make sure you want your ex back. Both people need to be willing to address the issues of the breakup at some point, by being honest with each other. But, it is not critical, or even a good idea to address these issues immediately. This only recreates the anger and resentment and can eliminate any headway in the process of moving forward.

Choosing a good relationship help book is a good idea. Listening to advise from friends or family is not your best bet in this case, as they tend to be on one side or the other, and do not really understand the makeup of your marriage or relationship. "T Dub" Jackson has helped thousands of people all over the world put their relationships and marriages back together with "The Magic of Making Up". This step by step system can get you on the right track to getting your ext back and teach you how to avoid the most common mistakes people make.

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